WALT: structure a recount
On Thursday the 14th of September we went to star dome. I was in the sume group as my
Friend Deavay and my step sister Then, we went to star dome because we’re learning about space. Have you gone to stardom before?
After we got off the bus we went to the playground on ( there is more than one tree on) one tree hill. I climbed on those thing that is like a spider web. I wondered then climbed a tree and stayed there until it was time to go in.
When we went in to the stardome it was cool and kinda dark. When we went in we got ten mins to look at all of the things in the gallery, there wasn't enough time to look at things in my opinion. We did a quiz and it was kinda hard because it was a big rush.
In the movie we watched was about a man and a girl who went to space to find a planet to live on. The room’s roof was a bill to spin around and it was kinda trippy but it was cool. Thay went to the moon titan,europa and another moon but I forgot. It was fun!
I lend that one of the first men in space when he came back he landed in a farmer’s field. We sorer two asteroids from mars and some were else I forgot a gen they were small. The Last thing I learned that I can remember was that there is a hook in the sky
Task Description: on Thursday we went to star dome. then we did a recount about it.