INTRODUCTION. A Volcanologist studies volcanoes. They also risk their lives studying volcanoes. It is hazardous because they can’t do anything to protect them from the lava. Volcanologist finds studying volcanoes interesting.
have to different parts to their job. One part is their fieldwork which is collecting samples of rock and lava. The other part of of their job is working in the laboratory where they analyze the rocks and lava samples. They also study ground movements so that they can tell when the volcanoes are going to erupt. Volcanoes learnt that Volcanoes erupt because of the presser of the magma and gases the pressure gets so high the volcano explodes. A volcanologists job is very valuable because they save people's lives because they tell them that the Volcano is going to erupt.
WHAT DOES A VOLCANOLOGIST WEAR? A volcanologist has varied clothing depending on what they are doing. If there working in the laboratory doing research on the samples of rock and lava if they are doing that they wear everyday clothing. If they are doing fieldwork where on a dormant volcano they wear trekking clothes and sturdy boots so their feet don’t get hurt. When they are on an erupting volcano they wear thick fireproof gloves so there hands don’t get melted. They have different clothes for different reasons.
To become a volcanologist you need to be smart and good at earth science as well. You also need to graduate and get a job application.