Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey week 2 day 5 # 2

In the years following World War II, things slowly returned to normal in New Zealand. Soldiers returned home and settled back into regular life; and national sporting teams, like the New Zealand cricket team, got back together and started playing matches again. In the late 1940s, men and women would go to watch these events, men wearing hats and suits and women wearing dresses, hats, and gloves.

Compare the pictures of common clothing from the late 1940s to what you wear now (i.e. in 2017). Are they similar or are they quite different? On your blog tell us which of the two styles you prefer and why. The pictures above were taken over 65 years ago! What do you think people will be wearing 65 years from now?

I like there clothing more because it looks better in my opinion.

in 65 years I think that people will be wearing kinda the same thing but with less fabric because it's probably going to be hotter than it is now.


  1. Hi Justice,

    I like how you've added the activity there to give the reader what you would later talk about. You've stated clearly which style you prefer, which is good, and I like how you've put some thought into what the fashion could be like in the next 65 years. Great work!

    One thing to work on next time is to remember to proofread your posts before posting them and checking the spelling to make sure it's correct.

    Otherwise, great work! Keep going! There's only four more days left in the programme to go!


  2. Hey there Justice, thank you for sharing your opinion about the clothing from the 1940's. I love how you've discussed the kind of fabric that the people were wearing and compared it to today's fabric. It's certainly worthwhile considering the weather and temperature when deciding on what fabric to wear.
    It's been really hot lately and I definitely wouldn't want to be wearing heavy clothes like some of the people are in these photos!

    Thanks Justice, great work!

  3. On your blog you stated: "tell us which of the two styles you prefer and why." I really like the styling from the 1940's as I think it is very smart and the women always looked beautiful.
