Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Super monkey gets eaten by a whale

Super monkey wears a red cape and can throw super fast was on his woke in the Forest. In the middle of his walk he sore a large river. In the river he saw a whale's back, he decided to throw a dart at it.

That maid the whale angry and  it swallowed him whole. In the whale it was not pleasant there was skeleton's ever were and stomach acid river with a out lain, There was also another monkey’s in there as wele they said that there were balloons in the whale. That was not good for the monkey’s the balloons hated the monkey’s and the only way out was to bete them in a game of B.T.D Super monkey said no problem. But it was a problem they were led balloons.

They said you can pop them can't you, aaa yes said Super monkey. Let's do this announced Super monkey and pressed start. The first wave was ese for Super monkey it was only red balloons. This round won’t be so easy a bunch of Ceramics are going to smash thru your defenses and pretty much make you lose said the balloons, Super monkey was upgraded to Teknecal Tera and said I Don't think so and pressed start!

In the wave 20 Ceramic balloons came from the brain and were destroyed. Arg scemd the balloon, you won't win these blimps will do the trick. Ok said Super monkey/ Teknecal Tera we'll see about that.Let’s do… this… said Teknecal Tera and press start, 5 blimps came to the field and the dart monkey’s used their abilities to try and destroy it. It was ese. Then they got blasted out of the whale.  


Walt: write stories with a complete orientation, problem, and resolution

Friday, 19 February 2016

problem solving

                         Walt: listen to instructions and complete routines.
Task description: I had to answer the problam

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The Big Dig Vocabulary Challenge

Walt: use knowledge and understanding in different contexts

this week I did a vocabulary task

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Narrative Writing First

Screenshot 2016-02-16 at 11.32.43.pngone night a boy and his friends were playing at a graveyard their names were John Michael and Jonathan. The three friends all like the same thing all of a sudden there was an earth cwaik and it was sooo bad that the earth ript opin. They all were so surprised that they fall over two where on one side and one in the athe. When they got up they locked down and there was a terrible river of Lava! In the middle of the river there was a island of stone in the medal of it there was a chest “wot is that?” said john “I don’t know” said Michael and Jonathan at the same “jinks hahahaha”  laugh Jonathan. “Aaaa I think I will try to get it” said john “I don’t think you should do that?” mattered Michel “I don’t cker!” screamed John and japt ene way “noooooooooooooooooooooo” shouted Jonathan. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”road John and then Michel and Jonathan heard a loud thud … … “Aaaa you ok” said Jonathan aaa you ok aaa you ok “Say sumthin John” shouted Michel  Say sumthin John Say sumthin John … “yeah I’m ok” shouted john “where is the eko” wandered Jonathan and Michel yeah I’m ok yeah I’m ok “oh ther it is” said Michel. “I am going to try to open the chest”said John John went to open the chest and when he got to the chest and traid to open it he made it nag he tried again same result he tried wains more and it opened  
just a little bit bat it was rele brait and then he opened and in said of it was a chest plait. John pot the chest plait on and Michel and Jonathan appear next to John and they flew into space. They all wandered where they were and then they flew past a sin that read welcome to planet Volca “well that was convenient” sighd Jonathan. When they got to the ground they were in the forest said of the planet they all thought that it was a nice place so they decided to stay. Or so they though there are many dangers on the planet! TO BE CONTINUED