Wednesday, 31 May 2017

40 Hour Famine

I have created my own donation page for the 40 hour famine. I am giving up food for 40 hours and hope to raise $100 for children in Syria. Check out my web page here. If you do donate please leave me a message so I know that you have donated and thank you!

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Dear Diary

Walt: think critically about what we read.

Task description: We right a diary entry from the prospective of two different people.


Walt: Write from the 1st person.

Waking up sand in my eyes is it a dream or not. Go back to sleep I hope go home, it’s not a dream! I get up wark a round I’m scared and hungry  I see lots of palm trees lots and lots of palm trees luscious green leaves glim gray rooks, crabs hundreds of crabs I’m standing in rocks wait they are moving their crabs.

Now I must build a shelter. I have an idea I need logs big logs, and sticks hay look heaps of sticks, frons for the roof, moss for the floer and blankets. It’s going to be a long day.

Wow I’m hungry I need some food. Himmmm I know I’ll make a net. I’ll make it out of long sticks and vines I’ll tie the vines to the sticks. Now I will go and find a river and lay the trap. I’ll need more than just fish. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I know the crabs on the beach. Now I need a large stick to smack them with the put them on the fire.

I have a plan it is to… do… NOTHING and wait till a lightning storm comes. Hey look a storm flash… flash boom… boom. The island is on fire now thay can’t miss this. My plan was the best.

I climb the mountain  on the far side of the island. At the top I see… an island with people on it, hey hey hey over here over here. When thay get here thay say ”how are you”  I am um juice tis… just ice… Justice… Justice yea. Mmmmmmmmm now go away leave me alone.

Task description: We had to wight wat we would to if we were stranded on a deserted island.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Travel Past vs Present

Walt: think critically about what we read.

Task description: witting the difensis in haw we would travail to Samoa of NZ. We also did how long it would take o get to the different pleases going the different things. What would we do on the trip.  

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Fishing Time

Walt: think critically about what we read.

Task description: mace losers for the fish.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Immersion Assembly

Walt: using exciting language.

Today we went to the term two Immersion assembly and found out what team 4 is learning about and the school the topic is now that's thinking. It was very interesting as interesting as time. It also took along time. This was very exciting.

As I said earlier the school topic is now that’s thinking. Team 1-3 are looking at kits and old teknowledge of kits and how to make them. But team 5 is doing something different thay are doing an amazing Bob the builder topic and are going to be fixing things that could be better around the school. Team 4 is looking at what kind of tek did the Maoris have befor pakeha came to New Zealand.

Team 4 is learning about what kind of teknowledge did the maoris have befor Pakeha arrived in New Zealand. Thay conversation in the library about it.The move was about how the teachers thot back in time to the things thay had  thay had when thay were kids. Some of them found out lots of interesting things like the light bald wasn’t even invented till 1998 of sumthin. It was hilarious at times like when Mr goodwin suggested to  make a flackskomasetor for awer dilorin time mashin and the ads were also funny.

I would like to learn how the maori do things with the teknologie thay had and how it has changed over time. Also I hope we learn about some other things as well like the teknologie the pakeha had back then as well. How thay documented thing and haw thay did the thing we do now like cook things. How thay hunted and what kind of weapons thay had.  

I like it the topic is like my favorite thing I love teknologie it is the best. Overall I like the topic now That's Thinking. It sounds like it is going to be fun and interesting.

Task description: To wight a recount about the Immersion Assembly.