Sunday, 30 June 2019

Waiuku Trail Run

Today me and my family went to Waiuku. Me, My mum, Roman, kauri and Bethan ran a trail. It was easy at the start but after a bit it got hard like really hard so I jogged with Roman for most of the way. The trees were really cool and the cutty grass looked like little volcanoes. Near the end of the run there was a giant mud puddle, at the beginning of the puddle there was a man in a gorilla suit telling people to go in the mud or if they want to go around how to get around it. I decided to go through the mud, halfway I slipped in the mud and got my hands really muddy the mud got all up my arm and everything. That was one of the best bits of the run.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, do you have any photos that you want to share from the run?
