Thay went to the ship 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Blast off to martoff the earth is to smelly and it's not that jolly.
Jeremy went to mercury it is very hot this is the closest of the lot. Can I live her or not!
Menes went to venus this is the 2nd planet it is the hottest. Can I live or not!
Hay its earth it is the 3rd planet I don't need to go there I already live there.
Tarz went to mars and to eat lots of mars bars. Then he became a fat lard can he live or not.
A father went to jupiter and the moment he said I can Ilive her there's no grund. Can he live her or not
Some wan how was latern went to saturn. “This pase looks good its ring are pretty. But there is no ground so can I live her or not.
A man with an anus went to Uranus. It is so sid ways it is on its side. There's no ground so I haven found a place to live can I live here or not
A man with a spoon went to Neptune. This is a nice blue planet could I live here or net… oh I forgot there's no ground here ether.
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