Wednesday, 27 November 2019

UV Light

1 comment:

  1. Hi Justice! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School. WOW! Amazing, Fabulous, Fantastic, Awesome work! I love you blog post, it had so much information in it! All of the information was very helpful, with a lot of factual information that helped support ideas and opinions.

    A lot of these things about the ozone layer can also do with climate change. Last year, I did inquiry on air pollution so I know all about CFC's and they are really harmful. Also, earlier this year I did a speech all about fossil fuels and how it effects climate change. Do you think we should stop climate change?

    To improve, you could adding in some pictures, diagrams and some other things so that way it's more interesting and it's more fun to read instead of just text.

    Great work!
