I am a Year 8 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 4 and my teacher is Mrs Stone.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
justice leafusorus
The Leafsorus is a omnivor and it lives in the woods of the cenozoic period. Leafsorus lives in the woods because it is green and braun. It had a lifespan of 150 years.
paragraph 1:
Leafsorus was 800 meters hay so it didn't have many predators. It also is 400 meters in width if a Dinosaur bid kill it you would have a big fide ha ha. The Leafsorus was a very fast Dinosaur it code run up to 3000.50 mph.
paragraph 2:
It got its name because it looks like a leaf. The Leafsorus looks like a leaf so it can be kamoflash in the trees. and it haunts in the grass so it is also kamo in the grass.
paragraph 3:
The Leafsorus has three colors on each hand allowing it to pike up bon,pants and flesh. Its arms are 55 meters long and 27.50 meters wide.The Leafsorus’s colors are a holl meter long and 110 centimeters wide.
paragraph 4:
Leafsorus’s jaw is 6.50 meters hay 4 meters wide and 7 meters long. The Leafsorus’s tith are 1.25 meters high and 1 meter wide. Its tith have poison on the outside of them so if it does not kill the Dinosaur it will still dai.
paragraph 5:
Its tail is very small it looks like a bee singer bat it is very daindres. The Leafsorus has poison and it is made out of molten stile. The tail also has asiad on it so it can defend itself from predators (ha ha ha). It can use its tail to kill is pray.
So the Leafsorus is one of the best of the best Dinosaur ever to exist. It is still around today mining it survived the kt extinction event. It will always be her.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
T- Rex Note Taking
The Tyrannosaurus rex was a dinosaur that lived in the late cretaceous period about 85 million years ago. It was a large dinosaur and a carnivore. The Tyrannosaurus rex lived in warm places in forest near water.
How it looked after it’s of f-spring:
The Tyrannosaurus rex isn't just a vicious predator it is also a caring mother. A dinosaur no matter how big always starts of small. The T-rex babies are cared like few others in the cretaceous period. When the eggs hatch the babies is vulnerable to pretimach everything. When you're a babe of a predator ever wane wants to kill you. Because they see you as a threat to their savaivil.
T-rex was one of the biggest carnivores ever to exist. There are two other dinosaurs sath as the spainososas and the giganotosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus rex waid about 6 tons it was 6 meters tall and 12 meters long. Its arms are sort it also had a long tail it's gore was 1.2 meters long and it has three tos like a bird
The Tyrannosaurus rex has the smell of 100 blood hauns all dacktaipt together. Allso the T-rex’s nostrils ar a full 10 inches apart decos it allows them to small steroids so they can eyebentafay a sent of any dinosaur just by smelling it. Tyrannosaurus rex has the best sense of smell than any animal extinct or alive when it smells the information goes to the brain so it nose wot it is smelling.
When I was doing my writing about the T-rex I lernt 3 new things about the Tyrannosaurus rex. One the first thing I learnt was that the T-rex is the most kering dinosaur in the cretaceous. The 2nd thing I learnt was the Tyrannosaurus rex has three toes laic a bred. The last thing I learnt was that the T-rex has hollow bones.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Monday, 21 September 2015
A kiwisport
INTRODUCTION. A kiwisport coach
A kiwisport coach gos to different schools one sport each term. One lesson gos for 40 to 45 mins antol morning ti.
Different Kiwisport coach wear different clothes. A long jape coach wears balu clothes.
A kiwisport coach
A kiwisport coach
cross country
On Monday the 7Th of September we had our cross country race I was nervous but excited at the same time I thought “this is tens!”
Waiting for my turn
While I was waiting for turn I played a game with Josh and Awatha. It was called guess what i am saying Josh wood lip a word and then me and Awatha had to guess what he said one time “oh my gwash!”.
Better Work Stories
My aspiration for the future. Is to be a soldier because being a soldier seems awesome and I love war.
What do they do. A army man does one thing.They go to a different country to help maybe Australia and Britain fight maybe Germany. They also need to train and train to get better at killing people.
what does a army man wear and use
Army man wear green clothes to help camouflage and A green hat same times so you know whose side you're on . They also wear boots to protect their feet. An army man uses rifles and fiter getise.
What do they do,they fight for their country,they go to different
fireman Davad
On Friday a fireman came to our classroom to talked to us about being a fireman.
When a fireman goes to a fire it is actually really dark because of the smoke. When they put a fire out it gets extremely hot because it transforms into steam. A fireman also rescues a cat from a tree or from a fire that would be awesome. Fireman also save people That are Dying like when you're really sick they
INTRODUCTION. A Volcanologist studies volcanoes. They also risk their lives studying volcanoes. It is hazardous because they can’t do anything to protect them from the lava. Volcanologist finds studying volcanoes interesting.
have to different parts to their job. One part is their fieldwork which is collecting samples of rock and lava. The other part of of their job is working in the laboratory where they analyze the rocks and lava samples. They also study ground movements so that they can tell when the volcanoes are going to erupt. Volcanoes learnt that Volcanoes erupt because of the presser of the magma and gases the pressure gets so high the volcano explodes. A volcanologists job is very valuable because they save people's lives because they tell them that the Volcano is going to erupt.
WHAT DOES A VOLCANOLOGIST WEAR? A volcanologist has varied clothing depending on what they are doing. If there working in the laboratory doing research on the samples of rock and lava if they are doing that they wear everyday clothing. If they are doing fieldwork where on a dormant volcano they wear trekking clothes and sturdy boots so their feet don’t get hurt. When they are on an erupting volcano they wear thick fireproof gloves so there hands don’t get melted. They have different clothes for different reasons.
To become a volcanologist you need to be smart and good at earth science as well. You also need to graduate and get a job application.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
My First CV
My First CV
School: ptengaland
Country:new zealand
What are your interests?
- I like to use computers for learning.
- I like to play in team sports.
- I like playing individual sports.
- I enjoy reading & writing
- I like drawing, art or music
- I enjoy helping my friends and others
What responsibilities have you had?
Highlight your answers
- I help look after my younger family members.
- I do chores at home.
- I do well in school.
- I behave in a way which sets a good example for others.
What is your best subject at school?
Highlight 1 answer
- I do well in reading and writing.
- I do well in maths.
- I do well in Kiwisport.
- I do well in Creative Space & Makerspace.
- I do well in many different subjects.
Please choose 3 Pavilion Jobs you would like
- wiper
- messenger
- milk man
Why should your teachers hire you?
I am a responsible and i no hawe to clean TVs and safe
Do you agree to this statement...
I promise that if given any Pavilion Job, I will perform to the best of my abilities. I will not let it interfere with my school work. I understand that I can be fired from my job if there is a problem.
If you agree to this statement; yes
Type your name here: kahurangi
Friday, 14 August 2015
Friday, 7 August 2015
Firefighter have a challenging job and they risk their lives to save others. Their job is hazardous because there is a high chance of death and injury!
A Firefighter’s job is varied. If someone is stuck in a car they will rip it open with a big machine. And rescue cats from trees. They also educate people and schools. That is what firefighters do.
Firefighters wear lots of different things for different reasons bat mainly so they don’t get burnt. They wear protective clothing\fireproof clothing and a helmet and visor to protect you from burning pieces of wood that may hit you in the head. The visor is to protect you from ashes getting in your eyes. They also wear gloves to stop them from getting splinters or cuts or even getting burnt. It is important for a firefighter to have special boots that their feet don’t get burnt. A breathing apparatus that is connected to a oxagantake helps them breath.
As a fire fighters you must be brave,strong and a good team member. If you aren't brave,strong and a good team member you have to train and train and train until you are strong and brave Only then can you be a fire fighter.
Friday, 24 July 2015
As all of Pt England was walking into the hall they heard Mr Burt’s booming voice saying “who’s got $1,$2,$3…$10 going once, going twice and sold to that guy in the corner.”
Mr Burt said, "I am an auctioneer selling stuff. The reason I am dressed as a auctioneer is because the theme this term is… Trade & Enterpri$e.”
Team 1 was my favourite because I like their movie and also because at the end of the video, they gave all their shopping to one person.
My second favourite Team was Team 4 because they were being financially responsible. The play was fun.
I am exhausted about this term’s topic Trade & Enterpri$e. WOW, can’t wait.
Friday, 3 July 2015
Matariki is an important event for nz and is a maori new year.All saw a traditional Celebration
Matariki is the end of harvest and food is plentiful
Matariki is an important event for nz and is a maori new year.All saw a traditional Celebration
One Story of the Origins of Matariki
Papatuanuku and Ranginui were
together but their son’s were not happy.Tanemahuta,Tangaroa,Tumatauenga,Rongomatane,Tumatauenga said we should kill them.On Said Tanemahuta so they all tried but failed then Tanemahuta said let me try i have strong legs so Tanemahuta separated his mother and father tawhirimatea was so angry that he tore out his eyes and hurled them into the sky and said this is where i will stay in between my mother and father.Know his eyes are the stars.
How To See Matariki
You can see Matariki at about 6:30 am in northeast horizon.late may or early june the
northeast lokes like this
Maori new year -traditional celebration
Justice term 2 writing sempalJustice term 2 writing sempal
Justice term 2 writing sample
Last week on Friday a man from the school holiday program came to acemale and told as about the holiday program.I think he was Mr Burt’s friend they had free…..food and fun the man from the school holiday program even haired a base castle slaed.
We laid up room ? to 1 and if you where poaching or pushing you'd have to go back to klase and do your work.We hat to wait for ever bat when it was nele ar tern I sedie to Awathan I am going to slide down normal then I am going to jump down it was awesome!
WAS that was awesome Kant wait to go again
from school
justice m.m
On a cloudy night the lake was gently lapping agent the bank. In a small clearing in a wood a small boy called Jimmy was roasting marshmallows.
A monster swam with stealth up out of the lake and crept up behind Jimmy. Jimmy turned around and saw the monster! It had shiny yellow eyes and green scales.
Trying to defend himself Jimmy held out his marshmallow on a stick. Instantly the monster transformed into acting like a dog. He shot out his tongue and gobbled up the first marshmallow! The monster stood on his tail and did a ballet twirl and rolled over to get the second marshmallow.
Jimmy pulled the third and last marshmallow out of the bag and the monster ate it out of his hand.”Oh no” Jimmy thought as he cautiously hold out his hand with the last marshmallow out in it. The monster ate the last marshmallow, slurping it out of Jimmy’s hand.
The crocodile like monster waited expectedly for another marshmallow and then it realized that there was no more. The monster reverted back into a vicious man eating monster! Jimmy instantly turned and ran but stumbled and fell.
Crawling towards his tent and Jimmy grabbed a pillow. He used it laic a shield hapale the monster grind Jimmy thru the pillow away. Then run away the monster tried to roast the pillow then it incinerated.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Monday, 29 June 2015
Friday, 26 June 2015
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Friday, 19 June 2015
justice ilghthhouse
On a dull starless night there was a old stone lighthouse on a treacherous headland. Illuminating the sea. The village people were celebrating in a tavern “hay :)” they were celebrating Rewa’s death!
The lighthouse keeper with annoyance slammed the window shut. Working by candle light a strange clunking noise disturbed the festivities and they all stopped!then it Plunged into darkness”what was that”thought lighthouse keeper the window blew opened and kandel went out.
The lighthouse keeper went to see what was wrong.The mechanical cogs and wheels seemed fine then he grabbed his tool box and run up the stairs to where the light was.Filing around in a giant lighthouse lamp
then realized that a bot was coming“oh no” he thought.
The giant lighthouse lamp was lifted precariously by the lighthouse keeper. Then he stumbled dawne then sorted into pieces. “Noooooooooooooooooo”thought the lighthouse keeper the boat is going to crash.
With desperation he ran down the stairs “ah yes” thought the lighthouse keeper as he went gasping for breath as he opened the door.All the village people were already there. 100 lanterns used as a light the boat turns a wae the end :)
Friday, 5 June 2015
On D DAY June 6 1915 the allies landed at Normandy beach it was highly defended.They had a hard time trying to get on that beach. Hundreds of people died before they even got on the beach.The Germans had the fastest suiting mg in the world.They killed lots and lots of people it killed so many it's not thane.
At last they got onto the beach by then thousands of people had died.One of them got hit by a piece of shrapnel that’s kinda what it looked like.

Friday, 29 May 2015
Mr bald fase
Strolling along licking his fingers Mr bald face said “What a great lunch. I am feeling content.”
Glancing around and noticed a tower of boxes balanced precariously and a strange metal box. He tried to push it bat it wouldn't budge.
He climbed up the tower of boxes then he jumped off. First he landed on the shiny box then bounced off and crashed landed on the ground. He saw a shiny possibly dangerous red button underneath the box. Hesitating one or two times then throwing caution out the window he pressed it anyway.
Suddenly there was a strange whirring sound. The box started spinning rapidly than his tie got sucked in like it was a tie magnet. Desperately tryng to get it out his feet started to get sucked in too. He disappeared completely “Oh no,” he thought. Then his hand came out but it got sucked back in.
With a whirring and spinning again the shiny box spat out a box with ties on it. With a fizzing noise it turned into a box just like the other boxes. :(
Monday, 18 May 2015
Friday, 15 May 2015
On a cloudy night the lake was gently lapping against the bank. In a small clearing in a wood a small boy called Jimmy was roasting marshmallows. A monster swam with stealth up out of the lake and crept up behind Jimmy. Jimmy turned around and saw the monster! It had shiny yellow eyes and green scales.
Trying to defend himself Jimmy held out his marshmallow on a stick. Instantly the monster transformed into acting like a dog. He shot out his tongue and gobbled up the first marshmallow! The monster stood on his tail and did a ballet twirl and rolled over to get the second marshmallow. Jimmy pulled the third and last marshmallow out of the bag and the monster ate it out of his hand.
”Oh no” Jimmy thought as he cautiously held out his hand with the last marshmallow out in it. The monster ate the last marshmallow, slurping it out of Jimmy’s hand. The crocodile like monster waited expectedly for another marshmallow and then it realized that there was no more. The monster reverted back into a vicious man eating monster! Jimmy instantly turned and ran but stumbled and fell. Crawling towards his tent and Jimmy grabbed a pillow. He used it like a shield. Happily the monster grinned. Jimmy threw the pillow away then ran away. The monster tried to roast the pillow then it incinerated.
Friday, 1 May 2015
In the pitch black before dawn broke at the Auckland museum thousands of people came together for the dawn parade. Crowds gathered as the sun rose in the morning. With respect every one stood silently as a man played The Last Post on the bugle. At the end every one went home to the sound of bagpipes.
In the story, think about what the little girl means when she says, “He marches for all his friends who cannot march. He marches for us.”?
It means he marches for the people who died in the war.
It means he marches for the people who died in the war.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Monday, 23 March 2015
Yesterday the year 4's went to Motat on old school bus,to learn about exciting inventions. Eventually I got a chance to explore the mirror maze. When I strolled through the pump house I got a piece of black coal. In the village prison cell there was a very very very freaky man, he looked dead and he was staring at me. The earthquake cafe.
Criteria for an Effective Paragraph
Par 1
Par 2
Par 3
Par 4
Par 5
⚈ Start with a topic sentence.
| yes | ||||
⚈ Have at least 2-3 connected sentences.
| no | ||||
⚈ Have sentences that are effective that
| yes | ||||
b. have juicy vocab e.g action/describing words
| yes | ||||
(c) grammatically correct
| yes | ||||
(d) punctuated correctly.
| yes | ||||
(Think of 1 or 2 things that you need to to focus on next time, to make sure your paragraphs are effective.)
| |||||
Next time I need to ….
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