Sunday 11 August 2019

Cleaning The Garden

Today me and my step dad did somw work in the yard. Frist me nad my little brother checked the yard for dog poo, we did this so that when we mowed the lawn we would not mow up poo as this would be grose. Once we did the me and my step dad moved some planst to better plases so they looked nice. After that my step dad helped set up the lawn mower, then I started mowing the front yard while he was weed whacking I was mowing the lawn. The way I mowed the law was sarting at the back of the yard and right on the outside of the property and going up and down once youve done the frist line you torn around and make shore that the wheals of the lawn mower and on the pre mowed part of the grass. When we were finishes I made me and my little brother noodels.

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