Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Week 2 day 4 Activity 3: Picture Perfect

I think that in this photo the people in it are just taking a Selfie. They are tacking this Selfie to remember that they had gone to a rugby game. What rugby game? I have no idea so it's
just a rugby game. I think that it's funny that they don't know that the camera man is recording them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Justice, glad to see you've completed another activity. Well done!

    I think you're spot on in thinking that it might be a rugby game. I think the player plays for the Crusaders, but I am not 100% sure. Yeah I hadn't thought about that. It is pretty funny that the camera man is recording them taking a selfie. The cameraman has probably taken a better photo than the one they're taking! Have you ever taken a selfie before?

    Did you notice the lanyards around the spectator's necks? What do you think they're for?

    Thanks, Billy.
